Design & Motion
Design & Motion
After Effect
After Effect
This is a personal project I have done during my spare time. This piece is dedicated to every summer person, including myself, who struggle with being a summer person in winter. As the weather gets colder, I frequently daydream about chilling at the hammock, sipping a coffee in the summer rain, canoeing at the valley, as I miss my last summer days. It’s basically a summer fantasy I have time to time wanting to avoid wintertime sadness.
This is a personal project I have done during my spare time. This piece is dedicated to every summer person, including myself, who struggle with being a summer person in winter. As the weather gets colder, I frequently daydream about chilling at the hammock, sipping a coffee in the summer rain, canoeing at the valley, as I miss my last summer days. It’s basically a summer fantasy I have time to time wanting to avoid wintertime sadness.
Since I created this piece on cold days, I wanted to create the looping animated scenes that are dreamlike. I used provocative red and blue color to create a mirage or wonderland mood to it, while I portray the scenes that I wish to do during the summer days.